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The invention of the sports bra was arguably one of the most important moments in fashion fitness history. The fact that such a small garment can provide such essential support during all your athletic adventures is undeniably impressive. Given its usefulness, it only makes sense to treat your assortment of sports bras with the utmost care, which means washing and drying them so they’ll last. Ahead, we’re giving you the full rundown on how to wash sports bras both in the washing machine and by hand.

Full view and close-up of a woman wearing an orange MWL sports bra and matching leggings.
Product Shown:MWL Sports Bra

How Often Should You Wash Your Sports Bra?

Have you ever wondered, “Should I wash my sports bra after every workout?” The answer is a resounding yes. Ideally, you should wash your sports bra any time after breaking a serious sweat—whether from hiking, boxing, yoga, weightlifting or a ferocious HIIT class—to help nix stinky smells and remove dirt, sweat, bacteria, yeast and fungus. Dirty sports bras are a breeding ground for the aforementioned, any of which can cause skin irritation and even acne breakouts.(1)

The only time you don’t need to wash your sports bra is if you’re using it as a daily bra and not exerting yourself like you would while exercising. In that case, washing it every three days should be sufficient.

Washing Your Sports Bra

You can wash your sports bra either in the washing machine or by hand. The latter might help extend the life of your bra since it’s a more delicate process, but you may find that you get a better clean with a washing machine. Below, we’re covering washing instructions for each.

How to Wash a Sports Bra in the Washing Machine

Many of today’s washing machines are sophisticated enough to clean delicate items like sports bras without causing damage. If your bra is designed to be washed in the machine and your washer has a delicate cycle and water temperature control, you can use this method.

Step 1: if your sports bra has padded inserts, remove them (those must be washed by hand).
Step 2: fasten every clasp and put your sports bra in a mesh lingerie bag. This prevents snagging and helps protect your bra during the wash cycle. You can toss the lingerie bag in with the rest of your activewear.
Step 3: use the delicate cycle setting and make sure to select the water temperature recommended on the bra’s label.
Step 4: you can wash your sports bra with regular detergent or a sport detergent. Only use as much as directed and avoid fabric softener since it can cause damage to synthetics. It’s optional, but you can also use a scent booster for an extra burst of freshness.

How to Hand-Wash a Sports Bra

Washing a sports bra by hand is a good option if you want to extend its life or if you want to wash a style with padded inserts. Note that some sports bras should always be washed by hand if that’s what the care instructions on the label indicate.

Step 1: remove the padded inserts.
Step 2: fill a sink or bucket with a mixture of water and laundry detergent. Aim for about one tablespoon of detergent per gallon of water.
Step 3: submerge your sports bra and inserts and let them soak for about 30 minutes.
Step 4: gently agitate the bra and inserts by rubbing the fabric against itself.
Step 5: rinse your sports bra with cold water until the suds are gone.
Step 6: lightly squeeze out excess water.
Pro Tip: if your sports bra still smells after washing it, repeat the wash process but add equal parts detergent and white vinegar to help neutralize odors.

A front and back view of a woman wearing a green sports bra.
Product Shown:Sweaty Betty Sports Bra
Drying Your Sports Bra
A gentle machine dry with low heat and a light tumble is suitable for many types of sports bras. Just make sure to put the bra in a lingerie mesh bag, and always follow the label’s instructions. Drying for 20-30 minutes can also help kill bacteria.(2) If the bra’s washing instructions say to air-dry, lay it flat on top of a dry towel or across a drying rack. Don’t hang the bra from its straps or drape it over an object, as this may stretch it out.

Other Tips for Caring for Your Sports Bra

Knowing how to wash sports bras properly can help increase their longevity. Here are some additional ways you can extend their life.

Rotate Sports Bras Daily

Wearing the same bra every day makes it tricky to keep it clean, and it can also cause more wear and tear. Keep a few different sports bras on hand and rotate them as needed.

Wear the Right Kind of Sports Bra

There are many types of sports bras: some provide high-impact support for intense activities, while others are ideal for low-impact exercise like walking or yoga. Make sure you wear the right garment for the activity.

Replace Sports Bras

When cared for properly, sports bras can last 6-12 months—and depending on their quality and how often you wear them, some may last even longer. Look for these signs that it’s time to replace your sports bra:

Damaged hooks
Stretched-out straps
General loss of elasticity, which can lead to less support
Pilling fabric
Bent or damaged underwire
Persistent smells that won’t go away even with vinegar washing
Whether you’re a gym devotee, a serial hiker, a yoga enthusiast or a weightlifting champ, knowing how to wash and care for a sports bra the right way can ensure you get the most out of this activewear staple.

نحن رجال, للنساء, وملابس الأطفال الشركات المصنعة في تشيوانتشو فوجيان بالصين. نحن ملتزمون بمساعدة المصممين على إنتاج خطوط أزياء مستدامة من مواد ذات مصادر أخلاقية. طرق التصنيع المحسنة لدينا, بما في ذلك تقنية القطع بالليزر والتصميم بمساعدة الكمبيوتر, تقليل نفايات المنسوجات والورق. إذا كنت مصممًا يتطلع إلى تطوير خط أزياء صديق للبيئة من مصنعي الأزياء المدفوعين بالاستدامة, تواصل معنا لحجز موعد.

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