Beach shorts

Minimalism is a frequently revisited and reused school of thought, design, and philosophy. Designers and manufacturing companies have returned and carved new trends with minimalism every time. Tamen, it is tricky to navigate the concept of minimalism in the world of fashion.

Donald Judd – New York City artist in the 1960s – and his fellow artists were a part of an artistic movement where the concept of minimalism was born. In his words, Judd describes his art as “the simple expression of complex thought,” which is true in the case of fashion as well.

This blog will shed some light on the concept of minimalism in fashion. Keep reading to learn more.

In fashion, minimalism has the same meaning as art and other creative spaces. Minimalistic fashion focuses more on the fabric and form of clothing than its function. Designers follow a process known as reductivism, where the design is stripped down to its basic elements. Minimalistic designers play around with geometric shapes, lines, and monochrome palettes.

In the early years, minimalism meant rejecting traditional craftsmanship practices and opting for a more natural approach to fashion and designs. Most designers turned to eccentric fabrics such as Lycra and polyester, with flowing silhouettes and layering of fabrics. This fashion was not often seen before, especially in the western world.

A woman in an oversized white jacket and denim jeans carrying a flower pot
In the present times, minimalism has broken many stereotypes, escaping gender labels and challenging the conventional perception of body positivity. It has transformed the way we view fashion forever. Minimalism is all about comfort, practicality, and ease, especially for women’s clothing brands.

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