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Even if you use your yoga mat regularly, you might not think about cleaning it before you put it away. But taking the time to wipe down and disinfect your mat is important, especially since it comes into direct contact with almost every part of your body.

In addition to preventing wear and tear, practicing good yoga mat hygiene also helps wipe out fungi, acne-causing bacteria and odors that can linger after a sweaty workout. Read on for easy tips on how to clean your yoga mat and keep it smelling fresh.

Cleaning Your Yoga Mat

In the same way that you wash your yoga attire after every class, turn cleaning your yoga mat into a regular habit. It doesn’t have to be a labor-intensive endeavor—simply wipe down both sides of your mat and let it air dry before you roll it up or use it again.

Different materials may require different care routines, so you should check to see what type of yoga mat you have and follow the manufacturer’s cleaning instructions accordingly.

If it’s an absorbent or open-cell mat, you could get away with submerging it in your bathtub or shower. If it’s a closed-cell mat, spot clean it—just avoid using harsh chemicals like bleach or rubbing alcohol, since they can damage the surface.

Yoga Mat Cleaners

You can use a wide range of yoga mat cleaners, depending on your personal preference. Some different cleaning agents include

  • Distilled water and vinegar:Mix equal parts in a glass spray bottle. Add a splash of tea tree oil for extra antimicrobial power, or use eucalyptus or lavender essential oil for a fresh, clean scent.
  • Dishwashing soap and warm water:Add a few drops of soap, mix well and apply with a sponge or cloth.

If the DIY approach(1) isn’t your style, you can buy a ready-to-use yoga mat cleaner.

Disinfecting & Deep Cleaning Your Yoga Mat

When your mat is ready for a deep clean(2), you’ll need to take a little more time to make sure it’s thoroughly disinfected. Try the cleaning method that’s appropriate for the type of mat you have:

For an open-cell yoga mat:

  • Soak your mat in a sink or bathtub of warm water with a few drops of dish soap.
  • After five minutes, scrub it with a microfiber cloth and rinse well.
  • Shake out the mat and let it air dry.

For a closed-cell yoga mat

  • For a closed-cell yoga mat:
  • Clean your mat from top to bottom, using circular motions.
  • Wipe it with a dry towel and lay it flat.
  • Air dry for at least 30 minutes.

How Often Should You Clean & Sanitize Your Yoga Mat?

Ideally, you should take a few seconds to wipe your mat after every practice. You can give it a deep clean once a month or more often if it starts to look grimy.

Tips for Keeping Your Yoga Mat Clean

Here are some quick tips to keep your yoga mat in top shape while extending its overall life span.

Use a Yoga Towel

Consider getting a microfiber towel. This yoga essential can be used as a cover so you’re not in direct contact with the mat.

Wash Your Hands & Feet Before Practicing

Step on the mat with clean feet and make sure your hands are free of residue. This will help prevent any slippery mishaps or acne breakouts when your face comes into contact with the mat.

Replace Your Mat Once You See Wear & Tear

If pieces of the mat are peeling off or sticking to your yoga clothes, it’s time for a new one.

Avoid Using Disinfecting Wipes

Disinfectant wipes may seem like an easy solution, but bleach and other chemicals can be too harsh on your yoga mat’s surface, leading it to break down more quickly.

Don’t Put Your Yoga Mat in the Washing Machine or Dryer

Many yoga mats will break down if machine washed or dried, so check the care instructions first.

Dry & Store Your Mat Properly

Damp surfaces can breed bacteria—make sure your mat is completely dry before rolling it up and putting it away.

Knowing how to clean your yoga mat is half the battle when it comes to ensuring a pleasant workout and keeping bacteria at bay. With a consistent routine, your mat will continue to look and smell as good as new.

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