Beach shorts

Finding the motivation to hit the gym can be tough, but that post-workout feeling is worth it—and keeping your gym bag stocked gives you no excuse when you’re ready to get up and go. Whether you’re a gym regular or a workout newbie, these are the gym bag essentials to pack.

An assortment of gym bag essentials.
Workout Bag
The first step in packing your gym bag essentials is finding the right workout bag. When shopping for duffle bags, keep these tips in mind:

Make sure it’s not too big or too small. You want it to hold all your essentials, but it shouldn’t be so bulky that it’s inconvenient to carry or doesn’t fit in a gym locker.
Find a bag that’s washable and breathable. No one wants a smelly or moldy gym bag.
Are you someone who showers at the gym? Look for a workout bag that has a wet/dry compartment, so you can store your wet towel.
Gym Shoes
When it comes to choosing athletic shoes, the first thing to consider is what type of workout you’re doing.

Flat-soled shoes are ideal for weight training.
Runners should look for supportive, well-cushioned sneakers.
Those who do a variety of workouts—like a mix of HIIT, tennis and basketball—want cross-trainers that have cushioning in both the heel and the forefoot, providing stability for side-to-side movement.
Have your feet measured by a professional to ensure proper fit and to prevent blisters. Keeping several pairs of sneakers on hand is a good idea so they don’t get worn down too quickly—and rotating your athletic shoes in your gym kit prevents odor buildup.

Workout Clothes
Another way to get excited about your fitness routine? Updating your activewear. The basics to keep in your bag include:

Barruko arropa
Sports bra
When it comes to gym clothes, choose what you’re most comfortable in. Some popular options are:

Tank tops
Gym shorts
Workout Leggings
Moisture-wicking tees
Gym Towels
It’s important to follow proper gym etiquette, and that includes wiping down equipment with a sanitizing spray after use. If your gym doesn’t provide a towel for this, add one to your bag. You can also use a gym towel to keep dry during especially sweaty workouts. Opt for towels made from microfiber, as the fast-drying material helps prevent odor buildup in your workout bag.

Water Bottle
It’s important to stay hydrated during and after a workout, so don’t forget to pack a reusable water bottle. By not using the gym water fountain, you avoid the spread of germs, and a reusable bottle is much more sustainable than a disposable plastic one.

An assortment of gym bag essentials.
A great playlist can keep you motivated throughout a challenging workout. The best gym headphones are wireless and sweat resistant. Once you find the right pair, all you need is a fun, energetic mix to keep you moving.

Gym Lock
Don’t forget to keep everything safe once you’re at the gym. Not all gyms provide locks, so bringing your own is key.

Fitness Tracker
Nothing is quite as rewarding as seeing what you’ve accomplished during a workout. Smart watches and fitness trackers record your heart rate, running distance, step count and calories burned. Whether you do a hardcore HIIT workout, a long run on the treadmill or a hot yoga class, fitness trackers keep you motivated and accountable.

Odor Neutralizers
Working out and sweating hard go hand in hand. Add an antifungal powder and an odor-busting ball to your breathable gym bag to keep your shoes and other essentials smelling fresh.

Post-Workout Snacks
Did you know that it’s important to have a snack right after a workout? That’s because carbohydrates and protein help your muscles recover and replace their glycogen stores.(1) Two easy ways to ensure you’re getting the right nutrients:

Toss a couple of energy bars into your gym bag for a post-workout boost.
Pack a shaker bottle and protein powder for a quick protein shake when you’re on the run.
Personal Care Items
Don’t forget about freshening up after your sweat sesh. A dopp kit or toiletry bag that keeps your personal care items organized is a gym bag must-have. Pack the following products to ensure you have everything you need for your shower and afterwards:

Body wash
Bath towel
Face wash
Dry shampoo
Hair ties
Shower shoes
Knowing what to put in your gym bag is the first step toward building a regular workout routine and a healthier life. So pack your bag, prep your playlist and hit the gym.

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