Can’t wait to lace up your brand-new hiking boots and head for the trails? Hold up just a minute—actually, make that a week or two. Taking the time to break in your boots well ahead of your hiking trip will cut down on pain, chafing and blisters, whether you’re setting off for a weeks-long journey or just a day hike.
The time and effort required to break in your boots depend on the materials they’re made of. It’s important to take as long as you need to ensure the interior and sole of the boot are properly molded to the unique curve of your foot.
How to Break in Hiking Boots
If you’re new to hiking, don’t worry-breaking in your new footwear can be a smooth and straightforward process by following the tips below.
Buy Shoes That Fit
Make sure your new footwear fits properly when you’re in the store. If they’re too narrow, too loose or just don’t feel good out of the box, keep looking; no amount of breaking in will compensate for a poor fit.(1) Cast a wide net, try on different models and brands, and walk around in them before you commit.
Wear Your Shoes Indoors
Take advantage of a comfortable indoor setting to break in your boots. Wear them for extended periods of time while doing chores or even just lounging around the house.
If you have stairs, try going up and down a few flights and placing only your toes on the front of each step. Make sure your boots fit snugly and that you have them correctly laced with the tongues properly adjusted in front. Be sure to wear them with the same pair of socks and insoles you plan to use on the trail.
Wear Your Shoes Outdoors on Different Terrains
When you’re ready to move outside, don’t just stick to sidewalks and pavement. Mix it up to get your boots used to a variety of terrains, surfaces and elevations. This is where the most significant breaking in will happen.
Start Slow
Don’t try to walk a long distance right away. Allow yourself several weeks to work up to the mileage you plan to do on your hike. If you try to rush the process, you may end up with painful chafing and blisters.
Try Different Types of Socks
Experiment with a variety of materials—such as moisture-wicking and antimicrobial fabrics—and different levels of thickness to see what style gives you the best fit and comfort.(2) While thinner socks may feel more comfortable initially, they might not provide enough cushioning to prevent blisters.
Lace Your Shoes Differently
Try various lacing techniques, such as switching between vertical and diagonal styles, if the toe box or ankle feels too tight. You could attempt loose upper laces with tight lower laces or vice versa as your foot swells throughout the day.(3) If relacing doesn’t ease your discomfort, you may need a different pair of boots.
Add Weight to Your Pack
Carrying extra weight while you’re wearing your new boots can help break them in faster. Add some bulk to your pack while you’re walking—either indoors or out—to expedite the breaking-in process.
How Long Does It Take to Break in Hiking Boots?
Expect it to take one to four weeks before your hiking boots are fully broken in. When estimating the distance to break in your boots, aim for two-thirds of your goal mileage. For example, if you plan to hike 10 to 15 miles a day on the trail, you should try to work your way up to walking 8 miles in your new boots before your trip.
Can You Break in Hiking Boots Faster?
If you’re in a time crunch, look for hiking boots that either don’t need breaking in or require minimal effort for it, such as mesh styles that resemble a sneaker. Avoid soaking, freezing or blow-drying your boots, as these techniques can shorten their lifespan and force you to replace them sooner.
Can You Go Hiking Without Breaking in Hiking Boots?
You could skip this step, but your feet might pay for it later. If you don’t break them in, focus on blister prevention as much as possible and take a few different kinds of socks with you. Try relacing your boots on the trail as well if you start to feel discomfort or pain.
Breaking in hiking boots ahead of time will allow you to make adjustments beforehand rather than in the middle of a hike. Discover your areas of discomfort and fine-tune as needed to make the most of your new footwear on the trails.
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