All posts by: wzcdavid

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Fall brings a cool and crisp twist to the air as well as fashion. If the Fall Fashion shows have taught us anything, it’s to embrace the season in its full glory. From Khaite’s exquisite array of leather jackets to Saint Laurent’s gowns that exuded elegance and charm, the fall wear is more alluring than […]

According to research, the global fashion industry is responsible for 10% of carbon gas emissions worldwide. Gainera, the fashion industry is the second-largest polluter of freshwater in the world, as textile dyeing and coloring leave residue in water bodies. These numbers are alarming and show the negative impact the fashion industry has on our planet. […]

Azken urteotan, nazioartean ezagunak diren hainbat marka eta ospetsuk haurrentzako arropa lerroak jarri zituzten martxan. Haurrentzako arropa fabrikatzea moda-industrian gero eta ohikoagoa den joera da, eta une egokia da enpresa berriek eta modako ekintzaileek beren haurrentzako arropa negozioak abiarazteko. Baina aurretik, you need to remember that you can’t design children’s clothes […]

Technology has impacted almost every aspect of life, including the fashion industry. Different technologies, software, applications, and strategies have changed things for fashion brands worldwide. Even though large-scale and internationally-recognized fashion companies have been using technology for digital marketing for a long-time, technology has impacted the fashion world in more ways than one. Technology is […]

Different automated machines and technologies have impacted almost every industry, including fashion. These technologies have played a major role in the evolution of clothes designing and manufacturing over the years. One of these technologies is laser-cutting technology which has been around for quite some time now. Do you know that around 90% of large-scale fashion […]

Pattern grading is an increasingly-popular method in the fashion industry as several large, and small-scaled clothing companies use pattern grading in garment manufacturing. Pattern grading refers to a process that turns a base or sample size into clothes in smaller or larger sizes. In pattern grading, men’s and women’s garment manufacturers use different sheets that […]

The fashion industry might design clothes that help people look amazing, but certain practices in the fashion world negatively impact the environment, human rights, and animal rights. So startups need to establish themselves as ethical fashion brands that positively impact the environment and people around the world. But is it that easy? This blog discusses […]

Spring is right around the corner, which means you are probably busy with your shopping checklist for the season’s wardrobe. In addition to Pantone’s color palette for New York Fashion Week, we wanted to add more shades to our collection. After all, what is spring about if not celebrating colors? Here, we’ve listed the trending […]

Comfort and fashion do not have to be mutually exclusive. If you incorporate some useful practices into how you shop for and preserve your wardrobe, you can achieve comfortable fashion looks easily. We have listed down a few of these practices that will help you dress in comfort without compromising on style. Here’s what you […]

As fashion trends change every season, you can expect to follow the verdict laid out by stylists and designers for the hottest new year trends to come in 2023. You can expect new colors and designs to surface. Fashion and apparel companies will quickly introduce a new wardrobe according to the changing seasons. Let’s start […]