Beach shorts


Spring is right around the corner, which means you are probably busy with your shopping checklist for the season’s wardrobe. In addition to Pantone’s color palette for New York Fashion Week, we wanted to add more shades to our collection. After all, what is spring about if not celebrating colors? Here, we’ve listed the trending colors this spring that we think will make it to most people’s collections.

Victoria Beckham’s Spring 2023 ready-to-wear collection was uncovered in last year’s fall season and showed Bella Hadid in a lime green dress with dark leather gloves. The look became a sensation on social media, garnering praise from fashion critics and media outlets. Since then, the color has appeared in Fendi and Surgio Hudson’s collections.

A shade of green always makes it to the trendy colors of the season; being nature’s color gives it that advantage. Lime green inspires a feeling of freshness, a quality the world has desired since the lockdown restrictions eased. We consider this lime green to be one of the trending colors of spring in 2023.

Metal-tinted shades were one of the highlights of the spring fashion season. These shades caught our eye when Saint Laurent displayed its Spring 2023 collection at Paris Fashion Week with metallic hues that oozed confidence and boldness. The hues urge toward a new age empowerment that is hard to ignore. Horregatik, we will be adding these shades to our spring wardrobe.

A list of trending colors in spring 2023 will not be complete without Valentino’s Pink PP. A monochrome collection for the color was launched in the fall of 2022, a few months after stills from Greta Gerwig’s adaptation of Barbie started doing rounds on social media. Hot, shocking pink became a desirable color in many wardrobes after that.

Hot pink umbrellas lining the sky on a street
While the color was the theme of Valentino’s fall 2022 show, it also inspired pieces in the fashion house’s rather neutral-themed spring collection and made cameos in other housesfashion shows this season. Safe to say, Pink PP color will remain desirable in our wardrobe for quite some time.

With this, we end our list of trending colors in spring. Do take note that by no means is this an exhaustive list, and you are free to experiment with as many colors this season as you desire.

Want to add these trending colors to your fashion line? We can help.

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