Beach shorts

Wherever we go in life, we like to dress for the occasion, whether it’s a fancy outfit for a nice dinner or something breezy and casual for a picnic in the park. Yoga class is no different. The right outfit lets you nail your downward dog or tree pose without being distracted by shifting or constricting garments.

Read on to learn about the key clothing items to keep on hand and which features to look for in each one to keep you comfortably stretching in style.

What to Look for in Yoga Clothes

Your yoga clothes should all share one key feature: comfort. Do your garments fit properly and feel comfortable on your body? Do they provide enough coverage and support so you can focus on getting the best out of your pose instead of adjusting your waistband?

Flexibility is also important—you want your clothes to move with you in whichever position you’re in. If they’re preventing you from getting into deep stretches or poses, they’re working against you. With that in mind, look for yoga clothes made with breathable, lightweight fabrics so they’ll be easier to move around in.

When you try your garments on, don’t be afraid to give them a quick test. Stretch, sit, bend and maneuver (even if you’re in a store dressing room) to get an idea of how they’ll hold up in your next yoga session.

What to Wear to Yoga Class

Now that you know what features to prioritize when buying yoga clothes, let’s dive into the specifics of what to wear to class.

Yoga Pants & Leggings

Whether you’re a novice yogi or deep into your practice, we recommend keeping a few different pairs of yoga leggings in your closet. They come in many varieties, so choose garments you feel most comfortable in.

For example, some people like flared yoga pants that allow for more free movement around their ankles, and many feel better supported and less exposed wearing high-waisted styles. There are also yoga pants with pockets—a major bonus if you want to keep certain items like lip balm within reach—and moisture-wicking pants perfect for hot yoga sessions.

Black yoga pants are an easy neutral option and pair with everything, but you might also want to express more of your personality through vibrant colors or fun features like mesh cutouts and bold patterns. Whichever you choose, make sure they allow for flexibility, have excellent sweat-wicking capabilities, are comfortable and aren’t see-through when you bend over. (These same principles apply to both women’s and men’s styles.) For more information, check out our ultimate guide on finding the best yoga pants.

Yoga Tops

Lightweight, breathable and moisture-wicking fabrics are also ideal for yoga tops. They come in lots of styles, ranging from crop tops to short-sleeve shirts to tank tops. It’s a good idea to choose yoga shirts that are slightly form-fitting to prevent them from shifting or riding up in any of your inverted poses.

Sports Bras

The first thing to consider when shopping for sports bras is the amount of support you require, which depends on both chest size and the intensity of your classes. Adibidez, power vinyasa yoga often involves more movement and requires a bra that minimizes impact; that might mean a bra with compression features, underwire or a high neck for reduced bounce. For a restorative or stretch-focused class, on the other hand, you may not need much support.

Ideally, yoga sports bras should be devoid of any clasps or zippers, as they can dig into your skin in certain positions. If you’re not a fan of the pull-on style, opt for a sports bra with a front closure to avoid irritation.

Yoga Shorts

As with yoga pants, flexibility is especially important here, and shorts with high-quality moisture-wicking capabilities can help prevent sweaty discomfort at the studio. Longer, form-fitting yoga shorts usually allow for more comfort. Men often prefer yoga shorts with built-in liners.

Yoga Sweaters & Jackets

Though you might end up shedding it halfway through class, it’s a good idea to keep a yoga sweater or jacket on hand, especially if you tend to get cold during Savasana. It’s also handy to throw on before and after class on chilly days. A slightly looser fit may be more comfortable, especially over sweaty clothes.

Grip Socks

Grip socks are an easy way to improve your yoga practice. The tiny, rubberized nubs on the soles allow your feet to grip your yoga mat more easily and help prevent slipping and sliding, which can be a major woe in downward dog. Grip socks are available in all sorts of styles, ranging from traditional sock shapes to knee-high and ballet-style designs. While many people practice yoga barefoot at home, it’s a good idea to wear grip socks for hygiene at the studio if you’re not bringing your own yoga mat.

How to Care for Yoga Clothes

When in doubt, refer to the garment label for instructions on how to wash your yoga clothing. Some items may require handwashing and air-drying, while others can be put in the regular washer and dryer. Like other workout attire, yoga clothes are prone to getting stinky, thanks to all that hard work you’re doing on the mat. To keep things fresh, use a sports laundry detergent to nix unwanted odors.

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