Beach shorts

Fast fashion is defined as the mass manufacture of low-cost, low-quality, disposable men’s clothing and women’s wear. The clothing industry produces an astounding 80-150 billion clothes annually. That’s more than ten clothes for every individual on the planet.

The goal is to get the latest trends on the market as quickly as possible so that buyers may purchase them while they’re still hot and then, regretfully, abandon them after several uses. It contributes to the notion that outfit repetition is a rookie mistake, and if you would like to stay trendy, you must wear the latest designs as they emerge.

The only thing it does is cause overproduction and makes the fashion industry a strong contributor to global pollution. Let’s dive right into some of the major disadvantages of fast fashion.

As per The Ethical Consumer, if fast fashion consumption remains at its present rate, the overall carbon footprint of all garments might hit 26% by 2050! Following are some reasons why that’s bad:

The energy required to produce, manufacture, and distribute the millions of clothing manufactured each year is enormous.

The synthetic fibers used in the majority of women’s clothing and men’s wear are derived from fossil fuels.

Most of the clothing is produced in India, Bangladesh, and China, and these are predominantly coal-powered countries.

People protesting for a campaign
Fast fashion has a real cost in addition to the environmental cost. Eragin handia du arropa ekoizleengan edo, besterik gabe, soldata eskasagatik eta oinarrizko giza eskubiderik gabeko baldintza arriskutsuetan lan egiten duten langileengan.. Langileak izerditegietan lan egitera behartuta daude, non langileak lan gogorrak egiten dituzten lan baldintza oso txarretan, ordu eskasak, eta osasun-arrisku larriei aurre egitea.

Hornikuntza-katean sakonago dauden nekazariek produktu kimiko kaltegarrien eta teknika krudelen mende daude, haien ongizate psikiko eta fisikoan ondorio larriak izan ditzakeena. Dokumentalean zehaztu zen hori “The True Cost.It showcases the true face of the fast fashion industry.

Fast fashion jeopardizes animals as well. Toxic dyes thrown into streams are consumed by both land and marine animals, disastrously affecting the food chain. Several controversies, for example, have revealed that actual fur, particularly cat and dog fur, is frequently sold as faux fur to unsuspecting customers.

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