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Une pratique de yoga réussie nécessite plusieurs choses: équilibre, pleine conscience, pantalon de yoga résistant et confortable. Qu'il s'agisse de styles larges ou moulants, les meilleurs pantalons de yoga vous aideront à vous sentir à l'aise, soutenu et prêt pour la prochaine pose.

Women wearing sports bras and yoga pants.
What Is the Difference Between Yoga Pants & leggings?
Yoga pants and leggings are often referred to interchangeably, but there are a few key differences between the two.

Yoga pants: Typically, yoga pants are made from a soft and stretchy material that moves easily with your body. Certain styles are also high waisted to better accommodate inverted poses. While some yoga pants for women have light compression features, they usually feel nonconstrictive.
leggings: Workout leggings tend to be made from a thicker material that’s more compressive. This feature helps you feel more contained during intense workouts that involve rigorous movement. For more info, check out our guide to choosing leggings for every activity.
When it comes to the yoga pants vs. leggings debate, the key is to wear whichever option is most comfortable to you. Many people prefer the soft fabrics and flexibility of yoga pants for all those downward dogs and warrior poses, while others prefer the added support of leggings.

Best Styles of Yoga Pants
Yoga pants come in a variety of styles and silhouettes. You’ll find compression pants for rigorous workouts, baggy pants for restorative yoga sessions and many options in between. Let’s explore some of the best yoga pants styles out there.

A person wearing flared yoga pants.
Flared Yoga Pants
Flared yoga pants are tight all the way through the hip and thigh and begin flaring at the knee. This creates a less constricted feel at your calf and ankle, which some people find more comfortable. More than anything, it’s a design element that brings a little variety to your yoga pants lineup.

A person wearing bootcut yoga pants.
Bootcut Yoga Pants
While flared yoga pants start fanning out at the knee, bootcut yoga pants flare only slightly right around the mid to lower calf. They’re a bit less flowy than flared styles, but still provide a looser feel around your ankle.

A person wearing high-waist yoga pants.
High-Waist Yoga Pants
A high waist comes in handy during yoga classes where you’re doing a lot of inverted poses and don’t want to expose your midriff. This style can also help you feel more contained and often features tummy control.

A person wearing yoga pants with pockets.
Yoga Pants with Pockets
Pockets in your yoga pants allow you to keep important items on your body, like your phone, ID, keys or lip balm. This feature comes in handy when you’re working out and don’t have anywhere convenient to store your things. Yoga pants with pockets are a smart choice when you’re participating in an outdoor class or even just going for a walk.

A person wearing compression yoga pants.
Compression Yoga Pants
This style of yoga pants is particularly ideal for more rigorous workouts where you want to feel more contained, such as strength training, jogging or biking. The compression effect is also said to increase blood flow, which can be important in fostering improved endurance and post-workout recovery.

A person wearing cotton yoga pants.
Cotton Yoga Pants
Cotton yoga pants are perfect for slow and stretch-based yoga classes where you won’t be sweating much and want to prioritize comfort. The fabric is breathable and soft but isn’t as effective as some sweat-wicking materials.

A person wearing fold-over yoga pants.
Fold-Over Yoga Pants
A fold-over feature is common in yoga pants and provides you with the option of wearing a high-waist or low-waist style—think of it as a two-for-one deal.

A person wearing plus-size yoga pants.
Plus-Size Yoga Pants
Plus-size yoga leggings come in all the above styles as well. When shopping, always consider the type of workout you’ll be doing and prioritize a comfortable, secure fit.

Best Materials for Yoga Pants
Given that flexibility plays a big role in yoga, it’s not surprising that the same quality is present in the fabric used to make most yoga pants. Moving through a tricky pose is easier in pants that move effortlessly with you as you bend and twist.

What Are Yoga Pants Made Of?
Yoga pants are made from a variety of materials, but the majority are a blend of polyester or cotton with a stretchy material like spandex (Lycra). Other common fabrics include nylon, fleece and even recycled postconsumer plastics.

What to Look for in Yoga Pants
To find yoga pants you’ll love, you’ll want to first consider the type of yoga or other activity you’ll be doing. Pants for hot yoga, for example, should feature breathable, sweat-wicking fabrics. If you’re heading to a more intense class—such as barre, Pilates or spin—then compression yoga pants may be more comfortable. Ultimately, the best yoga pants are the ones that make you feel most comfortable while practicing. In addition to considering the fit and fabric, take a look at the myriad print and color options. Even if you’re into simple black yoga pants, you’ll find different design elements that can elevate your look.

At the end of the day, fitness apparel that helps you feel and look great will boost your confidence and help motivate you to grab your mat and head to class.

Contact us today to get started.

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