Tag Archives: underwear

Fashion trends sometimes bring with them color palettes that make staying up-to-date easy. Earthy hues are one of those color tones.we know will remain in fashion for a while because of their muted shades and refreshing vibe. This blog will discuss why you need earthy tones in your closet. WHAT ARE EARTHY HUES?As the name […]

Uz promjenjive tržišne trendove i sve veće potrebe potrošača, komercijalni pothvati u modnom dizajnu i proizvodnji moraju biti spremni preživjeti neočekivane padove profitnih marži. U industriji, ovo konkurentno, uspjeh nikad nije zajamčen. Stoga, proizvođači odjeće moraju smanjiti troškove kada su u pitanju troškovi. MQgarments postoji kako bi se borio protiv ove prijetnje. Međutim, to […]

Traper je odjevni predmet koji nikada neće izaći iz mode, ali povijesno se koristio u stilskim eksperimentima koji su definirali modu desetljećima. Od mom traperica iz 1980-ih i niskog struka iz 2000-ih do uskih traperica iz 2010-ih, stajling trapera doživio je reimaginaciju koja ostaje jedinstvena za materijal. Ovo desetljeće doživjelo je a […]

Ima li išta zabavnije od pidžama partyja? Možda pidžama party za dječake! Pogledajmo najbolje PJ-e koje će vaš dječak nositi na jednoj. Savršeni PJs Lako je odabrati savršene PJs za svog dječaka, ali postoji nekoliko faktora koje treba uzeti u obzir. Prvi, htjet ćete se uvjeriti da je pidžama […]

If you’ve developed a taste for fashion and have a hint of naughtiness, you may find it realistic to create a lingerie brand from scratch. Although there’s a lot of competition, you’ll find that learning the basics is enough to get started, especially if you are passionate about it. Growth rates indicate that the lingerie […]

With consumer demand at an all-time high and the globe already witnessing the effects of climate change, how can manufacturers in fashion play their part in promoting sustainability? We break it down below. Two people looking at tote bags made of cloth. ECO-DESIGN THROUGH LIFE CYCLE ASSESSMENT Eco-design is a term for methods that enable […]

Green and ethical practices in fashion are important if we want to enjoy them without causing detrimental damage to the globe. The urgency of the need for sustainable fashion is put into perspective by the fact that the fashion industry was responsible for 35% of the total microplastics in our oceans in 2017. To minimize […]

How to Find a Manufacturer or Supplier for Your Product Idea If you’ve been thinking about starting a business, you may have brainstormed some ideas of your own, like capitalizing on one of the many in-demand products already on the market. The natural next question is how to find a manufacturer or supplier for your […]

Welcome to our blog This blog is to share with you: if you’re looking to build custom product, you will save so much time and money by working with chinese garments manufacturer who specializes in your product category. We are a men’s, women’s, and children’s apparel manufacturers in Quanzhou Fujian China. We dedicated to helping designers produce […]