
Nothing feels better than a good night’s sleep—and nothing feels worse than a bad one. From everyday stress and sickness to unhealthy habits and poor sleep hygiene, there are countless factors that can result in people not getting the rest they need. The good news? There are some easy steps you can take to wake up refreshed and ready to start the day.

A model sleeps.
Keep a Regular Sleep Schedule
A sleep schedule is more commonly used for kids than adults. But adults are more likely to sleep well when they stick to a routine, te.

Choose a bedtime. When deciding when to turn in, consider your body’s internal clock. If you’re a night owl, don’t try to go to bed at 8pm. If you’re an early bird, avoid staying up too late.
Most adults need 7-8 hours of sleep a night. Give yourself an 8-hour block so you have time to relax before falling asleep.
Tossing and turning? The stress of trying to fall asleep when you aren’t tired makes the situation worse. Get up and do something restful for 20 minutes: listen to relaxing music, read a book or take a bath.

Sleep in a Calm Space
Distractions make it tough to fall asleep. Here are some tips for creating a calm, distraction-free bedroom:

Make sure the space is dark and quiet. Consider earplugs, a white noise machine or a fan to block out unwanted sounds.
Since exposure to light inhibits sleep, turn off all the lights and close the blinds or curtains. For those whose schedule requires them to sleep during daytime hours, blackout curtains are a must.
The light from screens—your phone, TV or computer—also interferes with sleep. Turn those devices off or, even better, remove them from your bedroom altogether.
Have you ever found yourself struggling to sleep because your room is too hot? A cool environment promotes better sleep(1), so set the thermostat to a lower temperature.

Find a Comfortable Position
Whether you sleep on your side, back or stomach, most people have a preferred position. Whichever you choose, make sure that your body is comfortable.

If you often wake up with a stiff neck, consider swapping out your pillow. It should support the natural curve of your neck, so make sure it’s not too flat or too fluffy.
Choose your bedding wisely. If you run hot at night, linen sheets are ideal. If you’re often chilly, microfiber sheets are a great option.
A strategically placed pillow can help prevent back pain. If you’re a back sleeper, put a pillow underneath your knees. Side sleepers can tuck one between their knees.
A bed.
Manage Your Stress
Work worries, family issues and day-to-day stressors all impact our ability to sleep. Clearing your mind—ideally long before you start your bedtime routine—is an important step.

Meditation is a popular way to experience mindfulness and reduce stress. It’s a simple process:
○ Find a comfortable place to sit.
○ Set a time limit. It doesn’t need to be long; even a few minutes will help.
○ Observe how your body feels.
○ Feel the sensation of your breath as it goes in and out.
○ Notice when your mind wanders. When it does, don’t judge yourself. Simply return your attention to your breath.
○ When you end the meditation, allow yourself to feel the difference in your body.
Write down your concerns at the end of the day and then set the paper aside for tomorrow. Acknowledging your worries and accepting that you don’t need to address them immediately provides a sense of relief.
Try aromatherapy with essential oils to alleviate stress. Lavender oil and chamomile oil are both known to aid sleep.

Limit Napping
If you’ve ever taken a long afternoon nap and then struggled to fall asleep that night, you know the challenges that arise when you stray from your regular sleep schedule. Keep these tips in mind when napping:

As noted above, daytime naps can make it difficult to sleep at night. Dus, avoid making naps part of your daily routine.
If you do take a nap, limit it to one hour.
Avoid napping late in the day, since that can affect your natural sleep rhythm and make it more difficult to fall asleep at night.

Watch What You Eat & Drink
What we choose to put into our bodies has a huge impact on our health, including our sleep. Here are a few things to know about how nutritional intake can affect your slumber:

Being hungry or overly full makes it more difficult to fall asleep because both cause discomfort.(2)
Stimulants like nicotine and caffeine can take hours to wear off and can therefore interfere with sleep if taken too close to bedtime.
While alcohol is a sedative and may help people fall asleep more quickly, it can also disrupt the sleep cycle as the liver enzymes metabolize the alcohol.(3)

Go Outside During the Day
Have you ever noticed how much more energetic you feel when the sun is out? That’s because bright light maintains our circadian rhythm, which is what supports our sleep schedule.(4) So don’t underestimate the power of sunshine. Go outside or simply open the windows or blinds—that dose of sunlight does wonders for your sleep.

Exercise Regularly
The promise of better sleep is yet another reason to incorporate working out into your daily routine—in fact, physical activity is one of the top tips to achieve improved sleep.

Whether it’s a long run or a Pilates class, exercise relieves stress and anxiety. In addition, it tires the body out, making it easier to fall asleep at night.(5)
If you want to work out later in the day, stay away from high-intensity exercise, which can raise your core body temperature and make it harder to fall asleep. Try walking or yoga instead, and make sure your workout ends at least one hour before you go to bed.
If you’re on the hunt for better sleep, follow the suggestions above and it won’t be long before you’re enjoying restful nights.

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