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WEAR FOR TENNIS:Tennis has evolved throughout the years, and alongside those changes have come a few tweaks in tennis attire. Today, many casual tennis courts have taken a lax approach to tennis dress codes. Megjithatë, some professional and private tennis clubs do expect women and men to wear specified tennis outfits. Many even have a formal dress code listed on their website or posted on location. The goal is for the tennis players to appear professional and wear garments that prevent injury while ensuring the manicured courts look great.

If you’re not sure what to wear to play tennis, you’re in the right spot. We’re breaking down the ins and outs of tennis attire so you can confidently swing the racquet whether you’re at a local court alongside friends or playing tennis at private country clubs.

WEAR FOR TENNIS : Women’s Tennis Attire

When it comes to tennis clothes for women, you’ll ultimately want to default to the court’s dress code. Generally speaking though, the following tennis attire is considered standard for the sport.

WEAR FOR TENNIS : Short-Sleeve or Sleeveless Tennis Shirt

Tennis has you running, swerving and swinging, which means flexible comfort is key. Opt for a moisture-wicking tank top or short-sleeve shirt that’s not too loose or too tight. This allows for a good range of motion and looks sharp. Some courts specifytennis whites,” but if there’s no formal code regarding color, then wear whatever hue you prefer.

WEAR FOR TENNIS : Tennis Skirt or Shorts

For a cute tennis outfit, pair your favorite top with a skirt or shorts. Classic tennis outfits for women include skirts and dresses, many of which are paired with compression shorts underneath. Today, the rules are a bit more flexible. Në 2019, the Women’s Tennis Association revised its tennis dress code to make it clear that compression shorts and leggings are allowed without a skirt or dress required on top.(1)

Tennis Dress

You can always forgo a tennis shirt and shorts or a skirt for a classic dress designed for tennis. Tennis dresses feature comfortable, breathable materials that wick away sweat. Like skirts, this tennis attire also affords maximum flexibility and freedom while you’re dashing across the court. Pairing your tennis dress with compression shorts underneath can prevent friction and can even be helpful for holding tennis balls.

Tennis Shoes for Women

Though we often conflate the terms tennis shoes and sneakers, the two aren’t exactly the same. Tennis shoes are designed to provide lateral and ankle support to prevent injury during all those quick movements. Plus, they feature non-marking soles that ensure the court doesn’t get scuffed up. You can also wear tennis shoes for other sports, so it’s definitely worth the investment.

Racerback-Style Sports Bra

While you can use any sports bra that makes you comfortable, a racerback style offers an excellent range of swinging motion since it’s more open around the arms. It also pairs nicely with sleeveless tops and prevents your bra from showing. Some tennis tops do come with built-in sports bras, which are also an option.

Men’s Tennis Attire

As is the case with women’s tennis attire, there may be a tennis dress code that men need to follow on private courts. The below tennis gear is standard, but always default to the tennis outfit specifications provided by the court at which you’re playing.

Tennis Shirt for Men

Traditionally, men wear a crisp polo or collared shirt when playing tennis. Select stretchy synthetic fabrics that provide you with better range of motion for swinging. Again, “tennis whitesare the default, but in more relaxed settings you can wear whatever color (or comfortable athletic shirt) you prefer.

Men’s Tennis Shorts

Men’s tennis shorts come in a variety of lengths and styles. We recommend polyester fabrics, which help you stay cool and dry. The shorts should allow for freedom of movement so you can move across the tennis court with ease. Generally speaking, long pants, running shorts and baggy gym shorts aren’t ideal.

Tennis Shoes for Men

The most important qualities to look for in tennis shoes are non-marking soles and superior support around the ankles and sides. Crisp white tennis shoes are a classic choice you can wear at both private courts and casual spots.

Tennis Accessories

Along with the above tennis attire, it’s a good idea to keep the following accessories on hand. Per usual, refer to your court’s specified tennis dress code, which may include restrictions on certain items such as baseball caps.

Sun Protection

A hat, visor or baseball cap will shield your eyes and face from the sun on outdoor tennis courts. A pair of snug sunglasses that won’t go flying as you swing are also good to keep on hand.


Tennis wristbands can help absorb excess sweat so you can maintain a firm grip on your racquet. You can also use them to wipe sweat from your brow.

Sport Headband

A soft, moisture-wicking headband can also keep sweat at bay. Plus, it prevents hair from getting in your eyes, so you can focus on the game.

Tennis Bag

A tennis bag is designed specifically to house your racquet, balls, water bottle and anything else you might need to bring with you to the court.
Tennis has seen a surge in popularity over the years, so if you’re a court newbie you certainly aren’t alone.(2) When in doubt about tennis attire, refer to your court’s formal dress code and enjoy the exercise and the company!

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