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Haute Couture events give designers the opportunity to push their creative boundaries and bring out the finest craftsmanship in textile design to inspire dramatic and visually impactful storytelling. The Spring/Summer Haute Couture Week 2023 was one such event held in Paris in late February this year.

The event set the stage for the world’s most distinguished designers to showcase some of their most creative (and daring) designs in front of fashion critics and the world. Needless to say, many moments caught our eye, and we could not help but categorize them within themes. This blog will discuss the luxury fashion trends that have been defined this fashion week.

From Giambattista Valli’s interpretation of old-Hollywood glamour in mute colors to Jean Paul Gaultier’s dramatic and feathery suits with sharp tailoring, texture, and volume reigned during the fashion week.

The flair of Valli’s dresses created a space of divinity for volume, with silky puffs and swirls adorning the models that exuded golden Hollywood charm. Gaultier’s show was a remarkable feat of drama in moods of sharp-cut suits with feathers and quills distinguishing each piece from another. A celebration of texture and volume in these shows was one of our favorite luxury fashion trends of 2023.

Valentino’s Haute Couture runway was filled with club-inspired outfits that fit the Parisian girl’s night out in the city. The color theme was bright and eye-catching, with sequined tops and chiffon embellishments defining the better part of the show. Frills and self-indulgence set the mood for dresses, skirts, and suits that set the tone for dancing on ParisBridge Club runway.

If you are looking for inspiration from luxury fashion, this trend will not disappoint.

Mannequins wearing sharp and dark cuts.
Surrealist concepts had fashion enthusiasts reeling their minds over the optical tricks this fashion week. The eccentric and experimental Viktor&Rolf show was an absurdist take on ball gowns that played with clothes juxtaposed at different degrees on models as they walked down the runway in tilted, upside down, and perpendicular gowns.

With maximalist texture and bizarre illusions, the Paris Spring/Summer Haute Couture Fashion Week left a lasting impression on luxury fashion trends that will inspire designers to push their creative boundaries to make the most of their imaginative talent.

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