If you’re reading this, you’re one step closer to beginning a workout plan and improving your health, happiness and emotional well-being. Ts'o'ok ti' tuláakele', mindset is half the battle, and the fact that you’re here proves that you’re mentally in it to win it. The benefits of exercise, setting achievable goals, avoiding common excuses that can bog you down—we’re covering everything you need to know about starting and sticking with a new workout routine, no matter your current fitness level or goals.
Understand the Benefits of Exercise
Beginning a fitness program is one of the best things you can do—not just for your physical health but also for your mental well-being and overall happiness. Here are a handful of benefits associated with physical activity:.
- Reduces Stress & Anxiety: Exercising regularly helps your brain produce endorphins, which in turn can help you better cope with stress, depression and anxiety.(1)
- Keeps You Physically Healthy: Sticking to a consistent workout schedule improves cardiovascular health, reduces the risk of disease, keeps your bones and muscles strong, and helps you maintain a healthy weight.(2)
- Boosts Mood: Studies have found a connection between physical activity and overall life satisfaction and happiness in people of all ages.(3)
- Slows Aging: High-intensity exercise helps your body generate mitochondria more efficiently, which slows aging in your cells.(4)
- Improves Cognitive Function: Aerobic exercise helps with cognitive abilities, including memory, learning, problem solving and emotional balance.(2)
- Bolsters Immunity: Regular exercise improves your gut health, which plays an important role in your immune system.(5)
Reminding yourself of these benefits can serve as a source of inspiration and help you stay committed to your exercise plan.
Define Your “Why”
One of the first steps in learning how to start a workout routine is to determine why you want to exercise in the first place. When we pinpoint the deeper meaning behind our fitness goals, we’re able to more effectively tap into motivation and stick to a workout regimen.
This deeper meaning varies for everyone. For some, it might mean being more mobile so they can participate in rigorous activities with friends and family. For others, it might mean feeling better mentally to achieve greater life satisfaction. Others may consider exercise as an opportunity to practice Autocuidado. Identify your “why,” and let it be your guiding star.
Set S.M.A.R.T. Goals
Láak', set clearly defined goals so you have concrete milestones to work toward. To help with this, try using the S.M.A.R.T. acronym:
- Specific
- Measurable
- Attainable
- Realistic
- Time-Conscious
Did you know that putting pen to paper can improve your chances of success? Research has found that when people write down their goals, they’re 42% more likely to achieve them.(6)
Schedule It
Preparation is key when it comes to creating a beginner workout plan, and there’s one more piece to put into place before you start exercising: draft a simple fitness schedule. Ts'o'ok ti' tuláakele', if the workout doesn’t get scheduled, it doesn’t get done. Start small by scheduling one to two structured workouts for the week. Some find it easier to join group fitness classes, since they’re already set at specific times. Others may prefer penciling in workouts they can complete at home when they’d like. Repeat your schedule for a few weeks, slowly increasing the number of days per week you exercise. This will help train your body to enjoy and anticipate daily movement.
Some pro tips to help improve your success rate:
- Find a time that works for you. If you’re not a morning person, then trying to start a morning workout routine probably isn’t in your best interest. Make sure your new fitness schedule fits your lifestyle.
- Share your plan with an accountability buddy. Having someone else there to check in on your goals can keep you motivated.
- Aim for three types of exercise: resistance and strength training to help build muscle, aerobic exercise to improve cardiovascular health, and stretching to boost flexibility and joint health. Le estrategia xan u asegura u involucres jejeláas ku musculares ti' a sesiones xook..
- Meentik descansos. Alterna a sesiones xook yéetel u descanso utia'al u a músculos ka'a yanak k'iin u ma'alobtal ka ma' a quemes. Mantats' u yu'ubal a wíinkilil.
Yaantal a Wíinikil disfrutes
Máansik utsil verdaderamente u a ejercicio yáantikech ti' teech motivado, Ba'ale' kaxtik jump'éel cha'ana' kaambalilo'ob a uts u yilik je'el implicar jump'íit u prueba yéetel ba'alo'.. Prueba jejeláas tipos ku meyajtbilo' ka in wil ba'ax uts a wilik. Je'el u páajtal u descubras u odias áalkab Ba'ale' yáakunaj le boxeo, Wa ka ma' a kéen p'áatak suficiente kaambalilo'ob resistencia Ba'ale' temes le elíptica.
Te'ela' yaan Jayp'éel opciones u ejercicio adicionales utia'al u probar:
- Xook giro
- T'inch'akbalak'il
- Excursionismo
- Ku míistik
- Kaambalilo'ob ti' circuito
- A Wíinikil aeróbicos
- Carreras chowak distancia
- Yoga
- Halterofilia
- Danza
Yaantal jump'éel ka'anatako'ob wa cha'ana' ba'ax a permita probar ya'ab jejeláas ku meyajtbilo' tipos, wa inscribir ti' jump'éel gimnasio ku k'u'ubul jump'éel variedad xook.
Beetik teech utia'al u éxito
Whether you want to start a Rutina a Wíinikil tu yotoch or prefer to head to the gym, Jach Páaybe'en mentik utia'al u éxito. Anticipando le obstáculos Ma'ili' ti' u surjan, Je'el u páajtal a maniobrar mentik kex leti'obe' yéetel asab yutsilil. Te'ela' yaan Jayp'éel yo'osal:
- Keep a packed póoj gimnasio in your car.
- Coloque u nook' gimnasia áak'ab bey ma' u kaambalilo'ob ja'as.
- Programe u cafetera utia'al u yantal a síis ts'o'ok ti' tech, wa mentik uk'aj chuuk waj síis k'iin anterior.
- Mantenga u horario xook tu kúuchil tu'ux ku yilik Sáansamal, Bey ti' le a refrigerador wa néeno'.
- Considere a ti' jump'éel entrenador ku meyajo'ob ichil le yáax wi'inal asab o bey. Jump'éel experto je'el wáantik dominar le conceptos k'a'abeto'ob ka meentik jump'éel k'oja'ano'obo' sólida.
- Kaxáant jump'éel láak' responsabilidad tu meyajnakech yéetel tech wa u mantenga motivado, páajtal wa experimenta jump'éel pausa..
U jach ke, In wojel uts wéetel wéet. Kuxtal ku yúuchul, Le contratiempos ocurren yéetel Yaan k'iine' k desviamos ti' le xooko'. Le kéen yaanikech ti' jump'éel rutina, Practica le autocompasión yéetel revisa a “why” yéetel u S.M.A.R.T. Ku: ku salta u ka'a ti' u proverbial k'axnak' áalkab.
Invierta tu Good Gear
Don’t underestimate the impact of good Nook' xook. Le nook' yéetel le xanabo'obo' fitness ka'anal calidad páajtal wáantik ma'alo'obkíinsiko'ob u rendimiento ti' le ts'aik comodidad yéetel flexibilidad ti' tuláakal le máaxo'ob, Además u, Wilik u ma'alob je'el wáantik ya'abtal le Jets' óol ti' yan wéet. U nook' le fitness úuchuk u páajtal emocionar teech utia'al comenzar k'iina'. Every workout wardrobe should consist of comfortable Xanab deportivo, Juntúul sujetador deportivo ti' áantaj, Calcetines, Nook'o'ob Kóomtak u absorben le humedad, leggings ka tops. Ma' tu'ubul jump'éel sudadera yéetel capucha yéetel cremallera utia'al u meentik ejercicio ti' climas fríos. You can also equip your home with workout accessories like a esterilla yoga, Suumo' utia'al a puulkaba ichil yéetel bandas resistencia.
Excusas náats'al u batalla
Leti' ku yúuchul a máansik ba'al u resistencia óolal wíinkilale' bey ma' a xook. Ba'ale' waye' táan le ba'alo': Ma'atech a arrepentirás meentik ejercicio. Lelo'oba' ku yane' le bloqueos cerebrales asab náats'al túun le planes xook. Láak'o'ob yéetel ma' cha'ik u a impidan chukpachtik a ku acondicionamiento ka'ap'éel!
“Mina'an teen k'iin.”
Ku káajal jujump'íitil. Páajtal juntúul cinco- Wa le máaxo'ob lajuntúul minutos je'el u meentik ts'ono'oto'obo'jump'éel utia'al u toj óolal wíinkilale' yéetel a.
“Ma' uts in meentik ejercicio.”
Explore jejeláas tipos a actividad: yaan ba'al utia'al u láaj disfruten. Intenta xíimbal tumen jump'éel jats'uts k'íiwik, óok'ot yéetel a paax favorita wa ts'a jump'éel xíimbal tu t'íinche'balak' eetail.
“Jach ka'ana'anen utia'al u meentik ejercicio.”
Le ejercicio je'el u páajtal u ya'abtal u niveles energía. Káajsik le nu'ukulil asab talamil, Ba'ale' encontrarás yéetel asab energía yéetel concentración inmediatamente ka' le máaxo'ob yéetel chowak plazo..
“Ya'ab jach nojoch máaktal utia'al u meentik ejercicio.”
Ma'atech u chunk'iintala' jach utia'al comenzar jump'éel rutina a Wíinikil. Mina'an u u jump'éel peso kimen u 300 libras tak le principio wa áalkab jump'éel maratón sáamal.. Ichil u kúuchil le jeelea', Incorpore movimientos suaves ti' u k'iino'ob yéetel comenzará wil yéetel yu'ubike' le beneficios..
“Meentik ejercicio toop jach.”
Le ejercicio u páajtal u exigente, Yéetel lelo' precisamente le ch'aaj. K'a'as káajsik jujump'íitil, Yaantal ku meyajtbilo' ku a taase'ex ki'imak óolil yéetel acepta desafío u meyaj tak metas alcanzables.
Máatik jump'éel túumben plan acondicionamiento ka'ap'éel le jump'éel k'eexpajal estilo kuxtal, Yéetel u béeytal u yuk'ik biin k'iin afinar u rutina. Una pakteche' ka entras ti' jump'éel ritmo constante, Ba'ale', Cosecharás le beneficios mentales yéetel físicos ti' próximos ja'ab.
Chan jump'éel empresa wíiniko'ob., Le ko'olelo'obo', yéetel nook' utia'al paalalo'obFabricantes tu Quanzhou Fujian China. K dedicamos in wáantik le diseñadores u producir líneas u moda sostenibles ichil materiales u k'aaba' ético. K métodos u fabricación mejorados, incluyendo ma'alo'obtal corte tumen láser yéetel diseño asistido tumen computadora, Xu'ulsiko'ob le desperdicio textiles yéetel ju'uno'. Wa tech le jump'éel diseñador ku kaxtik j jump'éel internet ichil moda k'áax u fabricantes ku moda impulsados tumen le sostenibilidad, Búukint u ti' máax ku To'one' utia'al reservar jump'éel cita.
Xook k wa programe jump'éel cita waye' wéet.